RTA Website Survey

  • 1. Which of the websites/page listed below are you currently visiting . (Kindly fill the survey based on the website you are visiting)
  • 2. Are you completing this service for your self or on behalf of the company.
  • 3. Gender
  • 4. Nationality
  • 5. What is the purpose of your visit to the Website?
  • 6. How frequent do you use the website?
  • 7. If you encountered any difficulties in the website, kindly specify from the below options?
  • 8. Accessibility
    Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Not applicable
    It is easy to find the information I need through the website
    The website is always available without downtime
    The search engines in the website are working properly
  • 9. Ease of Use
    Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Not applicable
    It is easy to understand the organization of the service information on the website
    It is easy to browse the website pages to receive the service
    It is easy to print the forms and documents from the website
    The website provided links to other important websites
  • 10. The information and news on the webesite are updated always
  • 11. Have you applied for an E-Service through the website?

